Engineering Good Health Library
Knowing the Signs of a Stroke Can Save Your Life
Time for Your Annual Check-up?
Cancer Screenings Can Save Your Life
Managing Diabetes During the Holidays
A Gift to Yourself this Holiday Season: Quit Smoking
Remember to Sign Up for Local 94 Text Messaging
Time for a Heart-to-Heart Chat—About Our Hearts
Diabetes Management and Prevention
Even One Drink Matters: Alcohol and Driving
Sleep Easy: Tips for Better Sleep
National Children's Dental Health Month
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month
Six Tips for Healthy Eating During the Holidays
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
Managing Cholesterol Without Medication
Three Key Ways To Block UV Rays
Beating The Heat During National Parks and Recreation Month
Keep An Eye Out For Itching Ivy!
They Say Your Eyes Are The Windows To Your Soul
Breezin' Through Sneezin' Season
Which Cooking Oils Are The Most Nutritious?
February Is Cancer Prevention Month!
How do I add my newborn child to my plan?
You must provide the Fund Office with a copy of the child’s birth certificate within 90 days of birth to enroll your child with the applicable date (child’s birthdate). If you fail to do so, within the applicable 90-day period, dependent coverage will not be available under the Plan for your new dependent child until the first of the month following the date in which you provide the Fund Office with the required documentation or any other verifying information requested. A Coordination of Benefits Form (COB) must be completed if your child has other coverage. You should also visit the Life Events page on this site to see what you need to do for your other benefits.