Remember to Sign Up for Local 94 Text Messaging

Last year, I.U.O.E. Local 94, 94A, 94B and the Affiliated Funds started a text messaging program to provide the latest news and updates to members and participants. The goal is to provide important updates to you in a timely manner. We will NOT be sharing any of your information with any entities outside of the Union and the Funds.

Before you can receive text messages from us, you must provide express written consent to join the program—and make sure we have your current mobile phone number. Once we receive your written consent, you will start to receive communications from us. You can choose if you want messages from the Union and all of the Funds—or from just one or some of our entities.

You will only need to provide us with the authorization once, and it will last for as long as you are a member or participant—or until you decide to opt out of the text messaging program.

If you have not already completed the Contact Information Form, you can find it on the in the Local 94 Forms section on theForms page of our website.

Sign up today!

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