Sick Fund
Your Sick Fund Benefits
Certain eligible members of Local 94 have a Sick Fund account. The money in your Sick Fund account can be used to pay you for days when you are sick and miss work. Without the Sick Fund, you will not be paid when you miss work due to an illness. The money in your Sick Fund account comes from Employer contributions.
You can use the Member Portal to access your Sick Fund information, including reviewing current balances, past contributions and recent disbursements.
Participating in the Sick Fund
You may be entitled to receive benefits from the Sick Fund if:
- The collective bargaining agreement between your Contributing Employer and the Union provides for sick leave contributions to the Fund, or
- You are an employee of a Contributing Employer who is required to contribute to the Fund according to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement or other written agreement (such as a participation agreement) with the Union or the Realty Advisory Board and such agreement provides for sick leave contributions.
If you meet these conditions, your Contributing Employer is required to contribute to the Sick Fund for each month that you are employed, provided that you meet both of the following two conditions:
- You have one or more years of employment in the industry for a Contributing Employer; and
- You have been paid for at least 100 hours during the calendar month for which a contribution is to be made to the Sick Fund.
Sick Leave Benefits
You are entitled to apply to the Fund Office to receive eight hours pay at your current rate of pay for each full day that you are absent from work due to illness, up to the amount of money in your Sick Fund account.
If you have unused money in your Sick Fund account at the end of a Calendar Year, you may carry forward your credit to the next Calendar Year.
If you die with any accumulated unpaid sick leave, subject to certain limitations imposed by applicable law, the Fund will pay this amount to your designated beneficiary or your estate.
Your beneficiary for the Sick Fund is the same as your Beneficiary for the Death Benefit. Make sure you have a completed Beneficiary Designation Form (PDF) on file with the Fund Office.
If you leave the industry permanently, subject to certain limitations imposed by applicable law, you will be paid any accumulated unpaid sick leave.
Applying for Sick Leave Pay
You must complete and submit the Sick Fund Application (PDF). Please note that the Fund will withhold FICA taxes on your sick pay and submit those taxes to the Internal Revenue Service. At the beginning of each Calendar Year, a W-2 form will be issued to each member who collected sick leave pay in the previous Calendar Year.
Why am I getting a W2 from the Health Fund?
The Sick Fund is part of the Health Fund. Members should receive a W2 for Sick Fund benefits received and/or Loss of Time Benefits from the Health Fund. These benefits must be claimed on your income tax return.