Death Benefit
If you are an eligible Active Member, your beneficiary will receive a payment of $25,000 upon your death from any cause either on or off the job while eligible for this benefit under the Plan.
If you are an eligible Retiree, your beneficiary will receive a payment of $3,000 upon your death from any cause while eligible for this benefit under the Plan.
Your coverage for Death Benefits as an eligible Active Member or a Retiree will be continued if you become totally and permanently disabled while you are eligible for benefits with the Fund and die from causes related to that disability within two years of the date your disability began.
In order for the Death Benefit to be processed, the Health and Benefit Fund must be notified of the event. Please contact the Health and Benefit Fund at 212-331-1800.
The Fund Office will send the named beneficiary documents that must be completed for the benefit to be processed.
Naming Your Beneficiary
Be sure to complete a Beneficiary Designation Form (PDF) that designates your beneficiary for your death benefit. You may change your beneficiary at any time.
Your beneficiary for your Death Benefit is the same as your beneficiary for the Sick Fund.
If you do not name a beneficiary, or if your beneficiary dies before you, or is determined by the Trustees, in their sole and absolute discretion, to be unable, incompetent or unavailable to receive your death benefit, your death benefit will be paid to your estate.
Any attempted assignment or alienation by the beneficiary of your Death Benefit prior to actual receipt from the Fund will be considered null and void. In such cases, the money will be held by the Trustees for such purposes as they in their sole discretion deem proper.
How do I add my newborn child to my plan?
You must provide the Fund Office with a copy of the child’s birth certificate within 90 days of birth to enroll your child with the applicable date (child’s birthdate). If you fail to do so, within the applicable 90-day period, dependent coverage will not be available under the Plan for your new dependent child until the first of the month following the date in which you provide the Fund Office with the required documentation or any other verifying information requested. A Coordination of Benefits Form (COB) must be completed if your child has other coverage. You should also visit the Life Events page on this site to see what you need to do for your other benefits.