
Health Coverage Tax Document - IRS Form 1095-B
The IRS Form 1095-B provides important tax information about your health coverage. You are no longer required to submit an IRS Form 1095-B when filing your federal tax return (e.g. Form 1040). As a result, Local 94 Health and Benefit Fund participants will no longer automatically receive a paper copy of Form 1095-B in the mail, except if required by state law, such as in New Jersey. You can request a paper copy. Continue reading for more information.
New Health and Prescription Providers beginning 1/1/2025
Aetna and Caremark will replace Anthem BlueCross and OptumRx on January 1. There are no changes in the current co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles. Please read the notice that was mailed to you, which can also be found here. Here are answers to some common questions in this FAQ. Additional information will be made available over the coming weeks. Please call the Fund Office at (212) 331-1800 if you have questions about your benefits.
9/11 Health Watch
9/11 Health Watch is dedicated to making sure our nation remembers and cares for the heroes and survivors of 9/11. Learn more about 911 Health Watch.

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March General Membership Meeting Times: 8:30 A.M., 2:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M.
April General Membership Meeting Times: 8:30 A.M., 2:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M.
Annual Spring Classic Scholarship Golf Outing - Join us to raise money for the Scholarship Fund at La Tourette and South Shore Golf Courses. Learn more.

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