Welcome to Our New Website!
We are proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. On behalf of all of us here at Local 94 and the Benefit Trust Funds, welcome! Our old website served us well for the past, but technology continues to develop and with this redesign we will be able to take advantage of the most current tools to serve our members.
The new site has a modern layout and design. It is optimized to view on multiple devices and with any level of Internet connection. So, whether you are on an iPad at home, Android phone in the field, or using your old IBM, you will be able to join our online community of Local 94 Members.
The website structure is more organized. We have moved to a system that uses thematic associations between parts of the site. All of these changes are aimed at making the site easier for you to use—including a section with your most frequently asked questions, organized by subject, that you’ll have access to 24/7. We even have a new YouTube channel so you can learn more about Local 94 and your Benefit Funds.
At first, the site will only be informational. However, we are already working behind the scenes to make the site transactional as well. That means that you will eventually be able to find out how much money is in your Sick Fund account.
After you've explored the site, please tell us what you think.
Can I get an estimate of my pension, and/or survivor benefit?
To do this, you need to send a written request to the Central Pension Fund. The request must include your full name, address and Social Security Number. Your estimate will include all of the benefit payment options for you and your spouse.